Friday, September 11, 2009


The first anniversary of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, and the consequent seizure of credit and liquidity flows among the top Wall Street banks, is upon us. At the time of the crisis, the balancesheet size of some ten troubled banks on Wall Street exceeded the combined GDP of all emerging Asian economies.
So the reverberations of Wall Street had to be felt across the global banking system. Last September, the world economy seemed to be hurtling down in a way that had initially raised the spectre of the Great Depression in America of the late 1920s.
After a while, the consensus view that finally emerged was that the world was possibly facing the worst recession since the Great Depression. Economists in reputed western research institutions studied recessions of the last 100 years and broadly concluded that the global economy would take two to three years to fully recover.
Of late, some of those who had completely missed the financial crises building up under their noses have begun to talk about a V-shaped recovery in the global economy! Mind you, this is based largely on the performance of stock markets which are supposed to reflect future trends in the real economy. However, such knowledge embedded in the markets can be imperfect, as we have learnt by now.
A small section of die-hard optimists is even talking about a V-shaped recovery in the US. The question is how much should one believe these economic forecasters who have gone so horribly wrong in the past. A recent edition of The Economist had rightly suggested that the biggest bubble of all was that of economic theory!
In some ways, the global financial crisis and its fallout are forcing economic agents to acquire new knowledge in regard to what might happen in the future. For both governments and central bankers, the past has ceased to be an accurate guide for determining future policy.
Commenting on the way the global stock markets were shooting up in recent months, the head of a Mumbai broking company said "there was absence of knowledge in the short run". What he had meant was that it was difficult to explain rationally why the stock markets were furiously running up even as company balance sheets were still bleeding.
The Mumbai broker may have been quite charitable in suggesting there was an absence of knowledge in the short run. Quite possibly, the world economy may well be faced with a situation where there is an absence of knowledge in the longer term as well. This is very clear from the way governments and central bankers have so far responded to the global economic crises.
In some ways, policy makers and central banks have done the only thing they could think of — inject massive fiscal and monetary stimuli. But this is old knowledge. For there is a consensus that the fiscal and monetary stimuli of $3 to $4 trillion across the world may be just about preventing the global recession from deepening further. There is immense comfort in the knowledge that we are not falling any further!
The US banking system appears to have seen its worst and the economy too has shown tentative signs of bottoming out. But is this recovery durable? No one wants to answer this question yet. To answer this question you need new knowledge. Old will not do.
The Fed chief Ben Bernanke had the humility to concede this point when he said his biggest challenge would be to rightly time the withdrawal of the massive liquidity injected into the system. This has to be done just about the time a sustained recovery is anticipated on the horizon. What if you don’t see a sustained recovery at all?
Indeed, if a sustained recovery is not seen in the US economy, it could well get into a long-term liquidity trap, of the kind Japan did in the 1990s. Many economists increasingly subscribe to this theory. Japan experienced a low growth trap for well over a decade as the government kept bailing out banks and injected enough liquidity to bring interest rates to zero.
Indeed, it was never anticipated that even at virtually zero interest rates investment and consumption would not pick up. This was new knowledge at that time.
Many believe the United States too is losing its memory and DNA of creative destruction on which it had built its robust capitalist economy in the mid-20th century. With a much expanded and politically empowered middle class, the United States has made creative destruction a difficult proposition now.
This can be seen in the way the US government has bailed out the banks and other inefficient parts of the economy such as the automobile sector. Much of EU is already in this mode. Indeed, Karl Marx had spoken about advanced capitalist societies developing socialist tendencies as the laws and regulations to protect workers became deeply institutionalised.
To understand this, you just have to compare the number of hours factory workers in the US and EU put in with that of workers in China, India or Brazil.
So what have these deeper tendencies got to do with the global financial crises and the consequent recession that gripped the world? The fundamental shift in the capitalist growth impulses from the developed North to the developing South has caused serious imbalances in the global economic system.
RBI governor D Subbarao recently said that not much has been done by nations to debate the fundamental imbalance in the global economic system which could in fact have been the primary cause of the Wall Street financial crises. This imbalance essentially made the United States merrily borrow from the rest of the world to consume.
Of course, in the past year or so some of this imbalance is partly correcting with the US current account deficit dropping and its savings rate going up. But is this enough?
The US needs to recover its real growth impulse by becoming a prime exporter of high technology goods — it is no more competitive in the manufacturing sector — if it wants to reduce its borrowing from the rest of the world.
If the US fails to do this, it will again be tempted to use finance capital as a steroid to create an illusion of growth. Wall Street helps in doing this. You don't sustain long-term growth with pure finance capital play. Finance capital works only when complemented by dynamic elements of the real economy. This was the big lesson of last year’s crises. Another crisis will surely occur if this lesson is not internalised.

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