Monday, October 12, 2009


1. What are some of the major environmental challenges facing today’s and tomorrow’s organizations and management? Briefly describe these developments.
2. What is a paradigm? How will the paradigm shift affect management? What are the implications of this paradigm shift for organizational behavior?
3. Why do you feel the Hawthorne studies made such an important historical contribution to the study of organizational behavior?
4. Why are theory development and rigorous scientific methodology important to the field of organizational behavior? What role does validity play in the design of research studies?
5. How does organizational behavior relate to, or differ from, organizational development?
6. In your own words, identify and summarize the various theoretical frameworks for understanding organizational behavior.
7. How does the social learning approach differ from the cognitive approach? How does the social learning approach differ from the behavioristic approach?
8. Explain the model for organizational behavior.
9. Explain the organization Theory.
10. What is meant by diversity, and what are the major reasons that have made it such a dimension of today’s organizations?
11. What are some of the major characteristics of diversity?
12. How can diversity be effectively managed? Offer suggestions at both the individual and organizational levels.
13. What is meant by ethics, and what types of factors influence ethical behavior?
14. Many organizations are determined to eliminate sexual harassment. What are some steps that can be taken?
15. There are a number of misconceptions that people have about the glass ceiling. What are some of these? Also, what can organizations do to help break theglass ceiling?
16. Because privacy issues are likely to become increasingly important in the years ahead, what can organizations do to effectively deal with this ethical challenge?
17. Do you agree with the opening observation that people are human information processors? Why?
18. How does sensation differ from perception?
19. Give some examples of the external factors that affect perceptual selectivity.
20. Explain how perceptual constancy works.
21. What does stereotyping mean? Why is it considered to be a perceptual problem?
22. What is meant by the halo effect? Summarize the current thinking on this halo effect.
23. What is meant by impression management? What is meant by impression motivation and impression construction?
24. What are some of the major strategies employees can use in impression management?

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